The purpose of MFFA Outings

  1. Fish together in friendly competition.
  2. Opportunities to learn from each other about methods for fishing various locations and target species.
  3. Foster friendships and community.
  4. Help welcome and introduce fly fishing for new members

Host Duties

  1. Receives outing registrations after registration deadline.
  2. Communicates with all members confirming meeting place and times 3.
  3. Is available to answer logistics questions.
  4. Oversees the event including welcoming, ensuring MFFA values are upheld, distributing prizes.
  5. Provides brief report to Outings Coordinator on # participants, prize winners, overview on outing including opportunities for improvement.
  6. Host has discretion to organize a gathering during or after an event – such as a potluck, desert, etc with all costs borne by attendees.
  7. Host receives $25 Fishin Hole gift card – not eligible for prizes
  8. If you are interested in hosting the Whiteshell Streamkeepers Outing, more specific information can be found here.

Process after agreeing to be Outings Host

  1. Host reviews Outing Info Sheet to verify contact info is correct, verify start and end times.
  2. The registration deadline of one month prior to the outing is in place to ensure that we have sufficient interest. At least 5 participants need to be signed up by the deadline or the outing will be cancelled. The outings will be promoted in the weekly email and at meetings. Signups are online or by calling Ron Enns at 204-792-9012. After the outing is confirmed, others can still sign up until 2 weeks prior.
  3. All participants, but especially guests will need to sign the waiver. Ron Enns will ensure that this happens.
  4. After an outing is confirmed Ron Enns will create an email group for the outing, confirming the host and contact info. At that point the outings host takes over communication for the outing – logistics, questions, etc. Ron Enns will be available for support if necessary. Of course if there is an emergency requiring the Host to bow out, adjustments will be made. The Host should contact Ron Enns. Either an alternate Host will be found from the participants or the Outing will be cancelled.
  5. Ron Enns will verify registered participants as MFFA members, guests, or novices.
  6. Hosts should pay particular attention to novices or first-time outings participants to ensure they are feeling informed and included.
  7. Participants should notify the Host if they cancel.
  8. Outings prizes are Fishn Hole $50 gift cards for the largest fish contest and novice award – for the largest fish caught by a novice. Guests and the Host are not eligible for prizes. Contest rules in the info sheet must be followed.
  9. Provide a brief report to Ron Enns by phone or email. # participants, prize winners, overview of the outing (how was the fishing, what flies or techniques seemed to work best, suggestions for future outings)
  10. Gift cards will be distributed to Hosts by May 1, 2024. (2 - $50 cards plus one $25 gift card for the host). Please ensure that cards are not lost.


Thanks to our 2023 corporate sponsors! 

MFFA is proud to acknowledge the following corporate sponsors for their support of our annual fundraising banquet and other activities:

























You can now find us here on Facebook and Instagram




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